Day 1 Appendix A

Risk assessment-

Risk level- high

1. Sandstorms:

If a sandstorm occurs during the ride, seek shelter immediately and wait for it to pass

before continuing.

2. Sharp bends and right turns: Approach these with caution, and be prepared to stop .

Keep an eye out for any oncoming traffic or obstacles around the bends.

3. Traffic: Be aware of the high traffic volume in the area and stay alert at all times. Use

hand signals to indicate your intentions to other road cyclists and always obey traffic laws.

4. Glass: Watch out for any broken glass on the road, especially in areas where there is

heavy traffic. Avoid riding over glass shards as they can cause punctures or accidents. If

you spot any glass.

Overall, it is important to stay vigilant and cautious while cycling on this route, especially

considering the potential risks such as sandstorms, sharp bends, heavy traffic, and glass on

the road. By being prepared and aware of your surroundings, you can minimise the

chances of encountering any accidents or obstacles during your ride.

Support to go day before to Supermarket and source all food for Day 1-3 where possible. Will need to try get sandwiches

a priority but of not available then will need to make them by getting bread, tuna. Cheese slice to make if no sandwiches


Day 1



21°24'18.0"N 39°49'03.4"E

0 Miles

Estimated set off time:

Arafat Group 02:30

Uhud Group 02:30

Taif Group 02:30

Set off around 2am-3am all together hopefully take

photos at haram

Masjid Aisha

5 Mile

Estimated Time of Arrival:

Arafat Group 03:30

Uhud Group 03:30

Taif Group 03:30

Regroup and then split out into teams

Pray Fajar or at next stop

Al Jumum

21°38'02.4"N 39°40'57.4"E

23 miles

Estimated Time of Arrival:

Arafat Group 04:30 (breakfast at cafe)

Uhud Group 05:00 (breakfast at cafe)

Taif Group 05:30 (breakfast at cafe)

Tea & Coffee have breakfast on route

Pray Fajar


21°96'75.7"N 39°36'67.7"E

55 mile

Estimated Time of Arrival:

Arafat Group 06:30

Uhud Group 07:00

Taif Group 07:30

Break at Gharan complex

Support: Gharan Supermarket get food prep for lunch. Get

sandwiches or bread to make


78 miles

3rd Rest Stop (Road side or go into Khulais 

3 miles in town for break

Estimated Time of Arrival:

Arafat Group 10:30 Food

Uhud Group 11:00 Food

Taif Group 11:30 Food

3rd Rest Stop (Road side or go into Khulais which is a 3 mile


Support: As a contingency Zahid you might need to go in

the area called Khulais and scout for hot food if we don’t

have sandwiches

King Abdullah Economic City

98 miles

Service Station

100 miles

Estimated Time of Arrival:

Arafat Group 12:30

Uhud Group 13:00

Taif Group 14:30

Almaskan Apartment

102 Miles


Estimated Time of Arrival:

Arafat Group 13:00

Uhud Group 13:30

Taif Group 15:00

Riders rest in Apartment. Go out to King Abdullah

Economic City for food or takeout

Support: Visit supermarket – For breakfast buy eggs

bread, orange, juice, croissant, cereal, milk

For lunch get Sandwich’s again or buy items to make

them; buy bread, tuna, bread. If making do them day

before. Stock up on Water, snacks etc